Marine Biology
Chambers Group has been providing environmental services for the marine environment since its inception in 1978. Chambers Group’s background ranges from surveys of coastal waters and streams, to inter-tidal and SCUBA surveys and sampling the offshore environment to depths of over 1,400 feet. We also have extensive experience in analyzing wetland habitats and developing mitigation and restoration plans. The marine and aquatic sciences assess the complex interactions among the physical, chemical, and biological environments. Studies of the oceans, bays, harbors, wetlands, streams, and lakes require specialized sampling and analysis techniques. Chambers Group offers services and capabilities in all phases of marine and aquatic sciences. Chambers Group works on a wide variety of projects from coastal waters to deepwater. These types of projects include:
- Beach nourishment
- Bulkhead construction
- Channel maintenance
- Coastal walkway construction and roadway widening
- Dock refurbishment and construction
- Harbor dredging
- Ocean outlet maintenance
- Pier construction
- Shore protection
- Tidal wetlands restoration