Big Tujunga Wash Mitigation Area
Chambers Group prepared and implemented the Master Mitigation Plan for this long-term project.

- Brown-headed cowbird trapping
- Exotic Plant Eradication and Maintenance Program
- Water Lettuce Control Program
- Exotic Wildlife Removal Program
- Trails Monitoring Program
- Annual Water Quality Monitoring
- Master Mitigation Plan
The Big Tujunga Mitigation Area is owned and managed by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (LACDPW) to offset impacts to habitats and vegetation communities at other LACDPW-owned facilities. Chambers Group has had a long history with this project, preparing the original Master Mitigation Plan for the Mitigation Bank in 1999 and then implemented these services through 2006.
Years later in 2017, Chambers Group had the opportunity to return and be part of the project team again where they implemented the Master Mitigation Plan (MMP) Programs at the Big Tujunga Wash Mitigation Area (Mitigation Area) near the community of Sunland, Los Angeles County.
The following services were conducted:
Brown-headed cowbird trapping program
- Daily trapping and maintenance during nesting bird season
Exotic Plant Eradication and Maintenance Program
- Exotic plant eradication in riparian, cottonwood/willow, oak-sycamore, and upland areas
- Trails clearing and maintenance
Water Lettuce Control Program
- Herbicide treatments to Tujunga Ponds (when needed)
- Monitor water lettuce re-growth and success of herbicide application
Exotic Wildlife Removal Program
Trails Monitoring Program
- Respond to trail issues
- Annual Trails Clean-up Day
Annual Water Quality Monitoring, Analysis, and Report
Big Tujunga Wash Mitigation Area Cleanup Day