Compliance Monitoring
A comprehensive and transparent compliance/environmental monitoring program is essential in both reducing agency concerns and providing necessary information in order to enact any necessary corrective action. A comprehensive compliance/environmental monitoring program, run in conjunction with a tracking and reporting database, can greatly reduce both agency and public concern. Chambers Group’s experience in providing access to regularly prepared compliance reports carries significantly greater weight in resolving agency or public concerns, demonstrating to the regulating authorities a proactive rather than reactive stance on resource protection, documentation and compliance will further enhance this position.
Chambers Group can tailor an environmental compliance and monitoring plan to your project’s needs. Our services range from extensive online databases and tracking to simple excel tables, compiling requirements, terms, and conditions, from permits received and certified CEQA and NEPA documents. We have in-house biological, archeological, paleontological, environmental, and air quality monitors, many of whom are cross-trained, saving our clients time and money.