Services Provided
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions Technical Report
  • Mitigated Negative Declaration
  • Land Use/Planning Technical Report
  • Aesthetics Technical Report
  • Noise Technical Report
  • Air Quality Technical Report
  • Public Services Technical Report
  • Biological Resources Technical Report
  • Utilities Technical Report
  • Cultural Resources Technical Report
  • Traffic Flow Analysis
  • Construction Staging Analysis
  • Environmental Compliance Analysis

Southern California is notorious for street and highway traffic. As the heavily populated area continues to grow, many municipalities are eager to improve their streets and highways. Chambers Group has been supporting cities and private companies for decades as they continue to move private transportation in Southern California forward.

While Chambers Group has worked on dozens of streets and highway (link to 405 Project) improvement/widening projects, a highly trafficked project was recently completed for the City of Irvine.

Jamboree Road in the City of Irvine is an eight-lane major arterial roadway that runs parallel to State Route 55 (SR-55) freeway and major north-south connector to the City’s east-west major arterial roadways. In addition, Jamboree Road is a significant roadway to the City’s Irvine Business Complex (IBC) which is a major employment hub both for the City of Irvine and Orange County.  Stemming from the IBC Vision Plan, the City of Irvine sought to make numerous improvements to a 2,200 foot (0.4 mile) stretch of Jamboree including widening to provide additional travel lanes (primarily at the intersection of Jamboree Road and Main Street), traffic signal modifications, center median modifications, construction of a new retaining wall, utility modifications, parkway improvements, flood control channel widening, and private property modifications. Additionally, the City sought to mitigate a deficient traffic flow Level of Service through the intersection of Jamboree and Main by adding a fifth northbound and a fifth southbound lane on Jamboree Road between Interstate 405 northbound ramps and Kelvin Avenue.

To support this effort, Chambers Group prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the environmental clearance and was responsible for the environmental technical reports/studies used in the preparation of the MND, which included aesthetics, air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, greenhouse gas emissions, land use/planning, noise, and public services and utilities. Chambers Group also produced The Project Report which included traffic flow analysis, construction staging, and environmental clearance.

Since completing this initial improvement project, the City of Irvine has since expanded its efforts to include a stretch of Jamboree extending 2,000 feet south of Main Street to approximately 2,000 feet north of Barranca Parkway. As with the previous improvement, this work was multifaceted with specific goals including construction of new pavement, curb and gutter, curb ramps, sidewalk, modified channelized island and driveway improvements.  Scope of work included a street improvement plan and profile, right-of-way engineering (mapping and legal descriptions), earthwork grading plans, landscape planting/irrigation plans, construction details, traffic striping plans, traffic control plans, utility coordination/mapping, and specifications and construction cost estimates. Chambers Group is currently preparing the MND for this project.